Friday, November 21, 2008

what a day....

You know it's going to be a rough day subbing when the teacher next door introduces herself saying, "Oh boy, you are HER sub. Her kids are a bunch of little shits. Just don't take crap from them and you should make it. Good luck, and if you need anything, I'm just next door".

Whew, and it was quite a day with the rambunctious 1st graders! There were many fights, many kids tattling, I couldn't get their attention for 3 whole seconds, but we all survived. I just don't think I'm made to work with a whole classroom under grade 3. All the pulling on my clothes, touching my hair and arms, asking a million questions all at the same time, not being able to focus on one single thing.... exhausts me! All I can say is TGIF (is it bad that I'm saying that, after only subbing twice this week?)

Here are some cute things they said:

Student: "Ms. Bauawhieoahman, how old are you?"
Me: "It's Ms. Baughman, or Ms. B, and I'm old."
Student: "Old? Like a hundred?"
Me: "Yes, a hundred".
Student: "Wow guys, she's a hundred!"

(This one was repeated about 3 times)
Student: "Ms. Bean, what do I do?"
Other students: "Her name is Ms. B, not Ms. Bean"
Student: "That's what I said, Ms. Bean"
Other students: "No, Ms. B"
Student: "Yeah, Ms. Bean"
Other students: "Ms. B, he's calling you Ms. Bean!!! He's doing it on purpose!"
-at the same time as-
Other students: "NO Geovanni, her name is Ms. B!"
Student: "Oh."

Student: "Miss Teacher, what is on your nose?"
Me: "It's a ring"
Student: "Why?"
Me: "It's jewelery"
Student: "But why?"
Me: "Because I like it"
Student: "But why?"
.....we were then interrupted by a kid with a bloody nose....

Me: "I would like you all to introduce yourself, say your name nice and clear and tell me something you are doing this weekend, or your favorite thing to do afterschool!"
Miranda: "I like playing with my friends"
Gerardo: "Soccer"
Stephen: "Nothing, I don't like anything"
Esther: "I like spreading happiness and love around the whole world"
really....a first grader?

My favorite thing about being a sub is I never have to return to that class again! But, in rosy retrospect they weren't THAT bad.....


Lindsay and Emily said...

little shits..

sheena marie said...

you were the first thing i thought of when she said that :)