Saturday, June 27, 2009

Schools out for the summer, kids....

...but not for me! I started my 6 week intensive classes last week, and boy it has been rough....especially after a fantastic week in the Midwest. I guess I cannot complain, as I only have two classes, a nanny job one day a week, and get to do fun things like go to San Diego, the beach house, and Yosemite. AND then spend August in Wisconsin!

I have always loved summer, it is filled with my greatest memories. During the cold Wisconsin winters I would dream of my summer plans and goals, usually thinking I would start over on forgotten New Years resolutions. I always had good intentions to do things like not be as afraid of snakes, spend as many days at camp as I could, make giant sand castles, catch fish, and then in later years learn how to play guitar, learn how to drive stick, work out more, etc. This year is no different, as my summer goals are to have as much fun as I can while still studying, to explore California, make it through the whole Jillian Michaels workout, actually finish a Beth Moore devotional started 2 summers ago, start to paint, work on a photography project, and spend quality time with my friends and family.

I am thankful for this time I have to rest, do fun things, and also do classwork, before the busy-ness starts again in the fall. I am so blessed with the family I get to nanny for one day a week, they are incredible and so sent from God. They have 3 daughters (11, 9, 6), that are so sweet, unique, hilarious, and have already found their way into my heart. They have this amazing sense of adventure and we get to do fun things like make up cooking shows, play a Barbie board game, play in their yard with their dog Sam, and walk for ice cream. I love it. And my classes are pretty good so far. The one I'm taking in class is Sociocultural Issues in Counseling, a topic I love, as my minor was in Cross-cultural Studies. I'm excited for this class, and enjoy it as the professor is extremely quirky. AND, Colleen and I have it together, and get to giggle at his lame jokes. He already loves us, and has noticed we laugh at everything he says, which just encourages him all the more. My other class is an online one with a lot of work, so I'm thankful I'm taking it when I don't have THAT much going on in my life.

I know this summer is going to go fast, but I am so going to enjoy (hopefully) every minute of it!

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