Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

New Years Eve is always a good time for some reflections on the year. For me, 2008 was filled with adventure, hard-decisions, feeling peace after making hard decisions, painful stories from those I worked with, joy from the many children in my life, fun and random times with old friends, fun and random times with new friends in a new place, and ending it with some great memories with a hometown Christmas. Most importantly in 2008, I saw God's love, His power, His grace, and His dream for me more than I have ever seen or experienced. I learned more about myself, more about relationships, more about the field I'm going in to, and more about the Jesus who loves me and gave Himself for me.

I am so ready for 2009 though, I'm awful at writing 8's.

AND I'm excited to see what God will do in me and through me and others this year. Bring on more exciting adventures, hard times, and growth!

My resolutions for 09'
1. Find a way to get to country #24
2. Learn more Spanish
3. Learn how to whistle (Lena, I already bought the lifesavers).
4. See Disneyland at every season.
5. Use my gifts in ways I haven't before.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

perfect proposal...

I was so blessed yesterday to be a part of the engagement of my friends Danny & Colleen! Danny had asked me last weekend to help with the proposal, and I was thrilled to accept! I asked Colleen to spend the day with me, starting with frozen yoguart at Golden Spoon, then at Laguna Beach to go Geo Caching with my "new GPS" (a little lie....I borrowed it from my friend Priscilla!) We were "hunting for treasure" and the treasure was Danny! It was the most perfect day, and I was able to document it....only taking 610 pictures! They are a wonderful couple, and I can't wait to see what God brings their way!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

week experiences...

Here's some things I experienced while subbing this week:

6th Grade:

Student: "Ms. Baughman, say Lettuce and then spell CUP backwards"
Me: "Sweetie, I invented that when I was in the 6th grade"
Student: "Really?"
Me: "Yes, its true".

Student: "Ms. Baughman, spell PIG backwards!"
Me: "Right...."

I also got to watch the kids practice Thriller for their Christmas show. 95 6th graders acting like MJ....

4th Grade:

"Ms. B, are you a teenager?"

"Ms. B, watch, I can blow smoke out of my ears" as he proceeded to blow up his cheeks with air, and actually try to blow smoke out of his ears....

"Ohhhh teacher, I like your nails, they are pretty."

8th Grade:

"Ms. Baughman, are you German? You look German"

"Ms. Baughman, you are SO tall, do you play basketball? You look like a sporty woman"

I got to watch the 8th graders do the Cha Cha Slide for their P.E. grade.... who knew P.E. could be that fun? Where was the Cha Cha Slide when I was in 8th grade?


I had a little girl keep on whispering in my ear, here are somethings she said:
Student: "Teacher, I love you teacher."
Me: "Oh thank you sweetie"

Student: "Can you take me home with you?"
Me: "Oh I would love to, but I can't"
Student: "Well then can you come to my home, or I could come to your home?"
Me: "Sorry sweetie, we'll just have to have some fun here before you go home"

I also had a boy with seizures in my classroom, with a helmet. He was adorable. I wanted to take all the kids home with me!

I love my job, but am thankful someday I will be at just ONE school, and get to create relationships with those students!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

"Everything About You"

I typically hate e-mail forwards with a passion, but this particular exercise was pretty fun (and you'll understand the blog entry title when you see the last question.) I cant' believe I did 2 of these in 1 day....I am really procrastinating here on my papers....

So here's what I had to do...

1. Put your iTunes on shuffle (or windows media player).

2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.


4. Make a fun/silly/witty comment on your answer.

1.What is your motto?
"Uncreated One" by Chris Tomlin
I guess its cool having a song that praises God as my motto

2.What do your friends think of you?
"No Place to Hide" by Alison Krauss
Hmm...they want to hide when I'm around? Sad!

3.What do you think about very often?
"I Need to Know" by Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers

4. What is 2+2?
"Big Pimpin" by JayZ
I'm ghetto like that.

5.What do you think of your best friend?
"Constellations" by Jack Johnson
My best friend is a star!

6.What do you think of the person you like?
"Sent from Heaven" by Keysha Cole
Hahaha.... this is great

7. What is your life story?
"Stars and Boulevards" by Augustana
I guess I do live in Los Angeles....

8.What do you want to be when you grow up?
"America" by Simon & Garfunkel
Hmm...if I wanted to be a country, not sure I'd want to be America!

9.What do you think when you see the person you like?
"Am I An Idiot?" by Five Iron Frenzy
Hahaha, again, so funny

10.What do your parents think of you?
"Show Me Your Glory" by Third Day
God did when he made me? I was a miracle.... :)

11.What will you dance to at your wedding?
"Sway" by Michael Buble
Hmm...I will have to remember this.

12. What will they play at your funeral?
"Prayer" by Celine Dion
I'm really getting lucky here with the songs!

13. What is your hobby/interest?
"Losing Grip" by Avril Lavigne
Okay...I spoke too soon!

14. What is your biggest secret?
"Have I Told You Lately That I Love You" by Van Morrison
I'm not secretly in love with anyone...not that I know of!

15. What do you think of your friends?
"Don't Worry Be Happy" by Bobby McFarrin
I am very happy when I'm with my friends!

16. What's the worst thing that could happen?
"Kill" by Jimmy Eat World
Oh my goodness! HAHAHA That would be bad....

17.How will you die?
"Take Time and Find" by Early November
I guess I will have to!

18. What makes you laugh?
"Here I Am" by Michael W. Smith
I guess I make myself laugh?

19.What makes you cry?
"Better Together" by Jack Johnson

20. Will you ever get married?
"Never Sometimes" by New Found Glory
Oh sad...

21. What scares you the most?
"Great Indoors" by John Mayer
I would rather be outside...but I don't think the indoors is scary!

22. Does anyone like you?
"Give it Up or Let Me Go" by Dixie Chicks
I guess not? I think I'm getting the picture I should give up on love!

23. If you could go back in time, what would you change?
"College Kids" by Relient K
I went to college....and didn't do anything I guess I wouldn't change it!

24. What hurts right now?
"Heaven Breaks" by Sleeping at Last
Hmmm again...

25. Now for the title of this blog entry...
"Everything About You" by Sanctus Real
Wow, appropriate! Strange....

26. Lastly, what is the one thing you regret?
"Damage Done" by Shaun Groves
I guess I do regret any damage I've done!

Picture Tag!

I was tagged on Sarah's blog.....1st might I add, so I thought I better do this!

So here are the rules of this game:

1. Choose the 4th picture folder on your computer

2. Choose the 4th picture

3. Explain the picture

4. Choose 4 people to do the same

My photo:
This photo was taken in 2005 I believe, after my best friend Tracy and I moved in together at the Palisades in Roseville! This was our first day in our new place, and we were putting together our computer desk (yes, we sat just like that and did our homework like that for a year and a half!) and we thought it was hilarious how small Tracy's chair was compaired to mine! She got hers at IKEA, and we had to figure out how to put it together, and it would break all the time throughout the years we lived together! Funny, she e-mailed me this fall and said she had to put it together once more, she still uses it!

This was fun to reminice!

I am tagging:

1. Sarah Burbank
2. Jamie
3. Mariko
4. Jaci

(Sorry to Lena & Erin's friends....not many people read my blog that have blogs, so I choose you! :)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


On Sunday night I went through the commissioning ceremony at Mosaic, and it was amazing. Being commissioned means I am now part of the volunteer staff at the Inland Empire Mosaic. I went through the core values, called the Life in Christ with my friend Sarah, and this was a very special time. I can't tell you how wonderful it feels to finally have a church, other than the one I grew up in. When living in Minneapolis, I never really clicked with a church, never had that community, so its so special to me now! It was wonderful to be at the commissioning service, surrounded by my new close friends. We sang Christmas songs, had a message, and then had prayer. Those in my small group surrounded me and prayed over me. It means so much to me to have people in my life that will support and uplift me, people that are so real, sincere, and intentional. I am certainly blessed!

The craziest thing, I met a new wonderful couple on Sunday night, and they had found my blog months ago, and they came to the church, and we met!

Monday, December 8, 2008

viva the vegas?

Lena & I went to Vegas this last weekend for her company's Christmas party. We had a good time, although we're not big fans of the Vegas. Here are some highlights:

- The huge room at Planet Hollywood, with the most comfortable beds, dual sinks, and amazing bath tub!

- Lena screaming in her sleep from dreaming of a "huge snail". Scared the crap out of me!

- Seeing some of the cool architecture with the hotels.

- Watching the Bellagio water fountain show thing, felt like I was on Oceans 11!

- Free food. Free good food.

- Coming home.

Being in Vegas just made my heart hurt. Although Lena and I had a good time, I felt like I had to wash Vegas off of me when getting home. I just felt dirty, even though I did nothing dirty. Walking down the street and getting obscene stares and gestures isn't very fun. And I wasn't asking for it, wearing a winter coat, flat shoes, and ponytail. Maybe it would have been better if I had a guy with me, but, I had the gorgeous Lena :). Walking in the casinos and seeing the table and pole dancers, and worse the dirty men staring at them, isn't fun either. It disgusts me to see people so drunk they can no longer stand, or think. It just made me feel extremely sad, seeing so many lost and broken people, trying to fill themselves in "sin city". I'm not judging, just wish they could experience real joy and love, not cheap thrills. So, I probably won't return, but am thankful I was able to spend a free weekend there with wonderful Lena!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

thanksgiving in salinas!

I had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with Lena & her family! We left early Thanksgiving morning for Salinas, got to her parents home at about noon, and then went to her grandparents home for the Thanksgiving meal. It was an amazing meal, and so fun to meet her whole family! On Friday we went shopping, then saw the new James Bond movie. On Saturday, we went to Monterey, then drove to Big Sur, and loved the drive. Sunday we had church, then roadtripped back to our place. It was an absolutly beautiful weekend, the weather couldn't have been more perfect! Amazing weather, fantastic food, and wonderful family made for a great Thanksgiving! And now....we're going to Las Vegas this weekend for Lena's company's Christmas party!

Here are some pictures from the weekend:

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

never a dull day....

I love 6th graders. Especially at the school I was at today.

I had identical twins. One was in my class, one was in another, but I've had her before. They switched on me today, changed clothes in the bathroom, and changed classes. And they got me, until another student let it slip after class! I talked to the other teacher, and they fooler her too! Oh kids, gotta love them. They are almost geniuses. :)