Saturday a bunch of ladies from the Inland She Community of Mosaic met up at 8am and went to Oak Glen apple orchard. It was an hour drive up into the mountains, such a different world from the Philips Ranch neighborhood! On our way, Lena, Sarah, Adrienne and I stopped at Riley Farms to take some photos. It was like we stepped back in time, the staff were dressed in colonial clothes, the buildings were historic, and they were selling the most amazing looking apple pie. After our little pit stop, we made our way to Oak Glen (it was only 5 miles up the road from Riley's). We shopped in the markets, sampled many different kinds of butters & jams, and of course apples and apple cider! The apple picking was closed, but we enjoyed seeing the shops, the fall colors, and a great lunch! I had chicken apple sausage and a taste of Sarah's apple pie. It felt like I was in the country, and it actually felt like fall, even though it was close to 90 degrees (it was the warmest day in November in 70 years!). We had a nice breeze though, and beautiful trees that provided shade. It was wonderful to spend quality time with the ladies, and enjoy a taste of fall. The first Friday of every month they have a Hometown Jamboree at Oak Glen, and I can't wait to convince my friends here to go! :)
Me, Lena & Adrienne
On our way down the mountain from Oak Glen, we noticed a lot of smoke, and guessed there was a fire. After that, Zack, Adrienne's husband called and told her highways were closed because of a few fires. As we neared Chino, we saw more and more smoke. It was then we realized how bad the fires were. Lena and I turned on the news when we got home, and saw how bad it was getting. The fires stretched from Corona to Brea, jumped the freeways, and spread across Orange and Los Angeles counties. It took Adrienne 4 hours to get to her home that was only 25 miles away! Lena was supposed to work the Mocha Club table at the Hanson/Matt Wertz concert, and tried to drive there, but turned around and came back home. I guess people were abandoning their vehicles because the smoke was so bad! I was home alone, and hearing on the television the fires were now in Chino Hills, which is just a few miles from my place. I was listening to the news, and they were saying to take pictures of every part of the house, write down all your belongings, pack up the most important, and drive. I wasn't in a panic state, but I wasn't happy to be home alone and unsure of what to do!
Then Lena came home, and I was so relieved! When she got home we decided to go firestorm chasing, to see how close the fire actually was. Stupid? Maybe. But it was good for us to see where the fire was. The moon was orange, and we saw a glow all around from the fires. It was a crazy experience. After we got back, we decided to pack up a couple bags, just incase they issued an evacuation for our area. As a kid I always wondered what I would quickly grab in case of a fire. The items of importance changed every time I thought about it, from my rollerskates, to my favorite doll, then as a teenager to pictures and clothes, to an adult my computer and camera. It was so strange looking at my belongings, wondering what I would want to pack in just a few bags. So, I did what any adult woman would do, made sure I was properly dressed (I did learn something from my dad's October Fire Awareness classes in school!) thought about what underware I was wearing, packed a bunch more, my favorite jewelery and scarves (from foreign countires), a few clothes (only my favorite and most comfortable), my passport, checkbooks, paperwork, camera, computer, contacts (I figured other toiletries are easier to replace than prescription lenses), a hat (if I had to evacuate, who knows when I'd get to shower!), makeup, and my journal into a backpack and small suitcase. The "just-in-case-of's" came out in me, and I could justify packing my whole room (but didn't, realizing its all just stuff).
It really felt like a dream. We kept saying we didn't think we'd have to leave, that we didn't think the fires would come to us, but there was a level of panic and uncertainty. We sat and watched the news until we both fell asleep by the TV, and I awoke to a phone call from my dad. I was so happy to hear his calming and reasoning voice. I knew it would all be okay after talking to him. He was a volunteer fireman for 25+ years, right? He calmed me down, and I was able to sleep all night after talking to him.
Sunday morning I woke up, realized I was still in my bedroom and not evacuated yet. I drove to pick up Sarah for our Life In Christ meetings, and as I drove, I saw smoke all around. We met, and had a wonderful conversation about connection and communion, then headed over to the church. Nathan Neighbour gave an excellent sermon on Focus, a chapter of Erwin's Wide Awake book. He talked about the importance of focus, because the more focus, the more impact it has. Focus helps us move our lives into the end picture we are trying to create. He asked 3 questions: Who must I become? (because its not about what you do, its about who you are with your character! Who you are at the core will determine the story of your life); What must I accomplish? (what is burning within you? What are you willing to risk anything and even fail for just to try?); and What must you give up? (sometimes you need to give up things that you are just good at, to make room for things you're great at). It was a great sermon, and really is making me think hard about my dreams and what I want to focus in on. I'll save that for another blog though.
After church, we went out to eat, went shopping, then went to Inland Christian Center, a nursing home, to hang out with the residents. We brought them cookies we had made on Thursday, nail polish, and I brought some piano music. I was rusty, as I haven't played in a few months, but it was still fun! I was definately out of my comfort zone, with piano I'm a big perfectionistic, and hate to make mistakes. It was the first time I took requests and played by sight like that. In the past, I've refused to do that, because its too much pressure. But I had a good time, and don't think they minded my wrong notes. It was great to hear them sing along, and request hymns. Pam said she saw the way their whole demeanor changed when the hymns were played, they sang along and looked alive. One woman, who was a piano teacher, even played some songs for me, and it was a treat :). We had a great afternoon there, and I hope to go back!

The fires are still "raging" around my place, and many freeways are still closed, but they do have a little more containment now than they did this morning. The smoke is really bad, I can feel it in my eyes and throat. Those darn Santa Ana winds, along with the heat.....Smokey Bear was wrong when he said "Only YOU can prevent forest fires", sometimes they are just out of anyones control. What I do know is God is in control, and even though many people are without their homes, have lost everything, there is still hope. It kills me to think of the many familys that are without now, so close to the holidays (although no time is right....its just tougher during Christmas). They are in my thoughts and prayers, and I will be looking for a way to help out (the red cross is taking financial donations, the only thing they are in need of now, you can help out at
That was my eventful weekend....hopefully the week will be more relaxed!
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