Tuesday, November 11, 2008

why I love a.m. walks....

1. Watching the older, overweight gentleman jogging in a track suit, sweat band, and Ipod.

2. Meeting the Desperate-Housewives-like women on the trail, looking perfect in their coordinating workout clothes, gossiping about others. Today, one of the four women said snidely "He just can't handle the truth. It's his weakness. Maybe I should just divorce him." Then she looked at me and said "Good morning" ever so sweetly.

3. Getting stopped on the trail by a woman asking about my nose ring. Are there complications, did it hurt, how long have you had it, etc. I love the instant conversation starter on my face.

4. Hearing people converse in many different languages. Oh how I wish I was bilingual.

5. Watching the park workers mow the lawn in the middle of November.

6. Watching children play in the few leaves California has.

I love my morning walks, and am thankful for days off to go on them!


Unknown said...

Welcome to So Cal :). It's a different world :)

Christa said...

Oh my gosh, sooo funny. I can total picture all of that!