Its so great to have a mom that knows me so well, and knows what I need to hear. Here's what the card said:
Always remember, when God made you He did so with a purpose and a plan. He saw all your days before you lived one of them and placed over you the covering of His protective love. He has allowed nothing to come into your life that has not first been screened through that love. His hand has remained upon you to this very day. He calls you by name. You are His beloved child....the apple of His eye....the delight of His heart. Today you are in the exact place He wants you to be, and tomorrow He will be with you as He has always been - in goodness, in kindness, in faithfulness.
I have been so blessed being here in California, with incredible roommates and their friends (some of who I haven't even met!). They are uplifting and I can feel God's hand in my being here. I have been blessed to have met people from Mosaic. Just being here three weeks, I'm amazed at how God has worked. I know I am God's beloved child, the apple of His eye, and the delight of His heart, and he knows me, searches me, and chisels away the areas in my life that are not pleasing to Him. I just feel blessed, even in my uncertainties and missing the people I love most. God is faithful and is with me. And His love pours over me.
Anyway, here are some things I miss from the Midwest:

My kids...Haily, Emma, Henry & Sarah
I even miss this little guy Henry so much, I've been shopping here:
Silly, I know, but it makes me think of him!

Even though I miss these things, I know I'm supposed to be where I am, and they will be waiting for me at Christmas! I feel blessed to have such wonderful people in my life!
1 comment:
I know exactly how you feel. :) I was going through a missing my fam and peeps mood and at church the sermon was saying just what your mom wrote and how God knew I was supposed to be here in Austin at this very moment. Amazing!
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